Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Perceptions and Reality

This Chicago SunTimes article points out the discrepancy between
perceptions and reality.

June 8, 2005
BOSTON -- Sen. John F. Kerry's grade average at Yale University was virtually identical to President Bush's record there, despite repeated portrayals of Kerry as the more intellectual candidate during the 2004 presidential campaign.

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At 6/10/2005 6:48 PM, Blogger LincolnRepublican said...

The one thing that keeps going through my mind is this:

IF this story had broke a year ago, what would JibJab's "This Land" have said?

I remember pantomime Kerry saying, "I'm an intellectual, you're a stupid dumb a**!"

Kerry's grades were actually lower than GWB. Who was the stupid dumb a**?

It wasn't the American people, that's for sure!


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