Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Islamo Facism Hides Behind Civilians

Islamo Facism attacks and hides behind and amongst the civilian population. They target Israeli civilians. Mullahs in Iran pulling jihadi puppet strings are planning for the end of days. And moonbats want the soothing sound of Jimmy Carter? Go back in your moonbat wayback machines and see which self proclaimed "nuclear physisist" enabled and encouraged the Iranian mullahs in the last half of the '70s. Jimmy Carter to broker "a peace?" Give it a break.

Dry Bones Blog

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At 8/02/2006 6:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

its called asymetrical warfare, and if you have a way to counter it I'm sure the Pentagon would love to hear from you. Apart from SOCOM we don't have a way to counter it on a large scale. Come n genius, let's hear what to do

At 8/02/2006 11:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone think that Israel might have a bunch of strategic neutron bombs? Too terrible to think about? Consider it.


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