Friday, July 14, 2006

Israeli Restraint - A Moment of Truth

Israel is defending itself. Period. In my opinion, they have showed much more restraint than was necessary in the past. The ONLY restraint that I hope they presently have in mind is not nuking every Arab country in the region. Short of that, they should defend themselves as they see fit. If they request assistance, we should provide it openly and with haste.

Radical Islamic Fundamentalists ARE the enemy of civilization, and it is time to quit pussyfooting around the obvious facts that confirm it everyday, notwithstanding the ignorant pleas of Islam being a "peaceful religion."

Would 400 rockets fired on Chicago or any American city by an enemy determined to end our existence mean that we should show restraint toward the attackers? Of course not. I would hope that we'd eliminate the threat by any means possible. The countries asking for restraint on the part of Israel are showing their hypocrisy, as no sovereign nation would stand for continued attacks without fighting back and defending themselves.
(Maybe the French, but even then, that would depend on the payoff options)

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At 7/14/2006 7:23 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

All wars start with a certain incident. The killing of a Royal in Europe started WW I, but it was not by itself the cause of the war, just the straw that broke the camel's back.

The kidnapping of two soldiers woud not normally rate the response that Isreal has given.

Just look at the other worse events Isreal has suffered without this kind of response.

This is about much more than two kidnapped soldiers. If it is not, then Isreal can be condemed.

It is the opportunity to root out Hezbollah and Hamas. If sucessfull, mabey the Palistinians and Lebanon can finally settle down to making true countries and live with Isreal, in peace.

At 7/14/2006 7:42 PM, Blogger VPCheney said...

Hello Time,

That's exactly what it is about. Rooting out Hezbollah and Hamas. A worthy cause, too long in coming.

Hezbollah, Hamas, Al Queda, the Taliban and many more are simply seeds from the same twisted weed that is Fundamentalist Islamic Fascism.

This didn't begin with the kidnapped soldiers by any means. If any official says it was, then it is political double-speak and posturing.
We'll have to leave it to historians to tell what the spark was. Was it the woman drinking her morning coffee on her balcony in Israel getting a direct hit from a rocket much like the other hundreds shot at Israeli towns? Was it when Jimmy Carter gave Yassir Arafat a political face?
Nobody is interested right now in the moment of ignition while the fire is underway.

Thanks for stopping by.

At 7/16/2006 9:28 PM, Blogger LincolnRepublican said...

"time" is correct about one thing: When it comes to war, there are causES, not a cause. Soldiers being kidnapped and missiles flying are only part of a much larger picture. Unfortunately, the painting of this picture began with two little boys named Ishmael and Isaac. Everything that has happened since that day has factored in.

Regardless of how, when, why, etc. the conflict started, Israel has a right to defend itself, and for anyone to say they can't fight against terrorism is insane.

Want to test this theory? You and a friend go up to someone in the street, and one of you start punching the person in the face. The other person should tell this person to please use restraint when dealing with this attack.

See what happens.


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