Monday, August 21, 2006

Mad Ahmadinejad

Not A Time To Run From Danger -- by Steve Darnell
"...Warfare has become a politically correct popularity contest, where the rules of engagement are written by the New York Times and public opinion, not the armies involved in the war. Of course, if Hezbollah, Hamas or other terrorist organizations are killing civilians, the rules of engagement are thrown out the window and public opinion is somehow on their side. Israel was taught this lesson during its war with Hezbollah.
Liberals and the mainstream media try to convince Americans on a daily basis that President Bush’s sinking popularity at home and around the world has somehow diminished his effectiveness. Their propaganda seems to be working. Many Americans now question the president’s direction in the war on terror, and his poll numbers are down.
President Bush should not be concerned with his popularity, and he never has been. It is a simple fact of life that the most productive person in the room is normally the most unpopular. Hard-chargers, like the president, who step on toes while getting tasks accomplished are not usually very popular people, but they get the job done. Winston Churchill is a prime example..."

(read the complete post)

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