Friday, September 15, 2006

Democrat Misdirection

Chris Muir Day By Day

Muslims Fume Over Pope's Remarks
Is this different than the "invitation" to become Muslim from Azziz the American? It seems like a lot different approach than the kidnappers of the Fox News reporter and cameraman used. No gun to the head to convert, just an invitation to think.

Speaking of guns and thinking...
Tamara K. has the right attitude.
"I ain't goin' out like that. Whether it's some Columbine wannabe who's heard the backward-masked messages on his Marilyn Manson discs, distressed daytrader off his Prozac, homegrown Hadji sympathetic with his oppressed brothers in Baghdad, or a bugnuts whackjob picking up Robert Frost quotes transmitted from Langley on the fillings in his molars, I am going to do my level best to smoke that goblin before my carcass goes on the pile. I am not going to go out curled into a fetal ball and praying for help that won't arrive in time."
And Marko says,
"...A tangential argument for gun control is that gun crime will decrease when the number of guns available to citizens decreases. However, recent experience with country-wide "gun-free zones" (the UK comes to mind) has shown that truly dedicated criminals will always find a way to obtain firearms. Draconian gun laws not only make it even more desirable for Bad People to get guns (because they can be guaranteed that the gun gives them disproportionate power in a disarmed society), but they also shift the balance of power in society unilaterally towards those armed criminals. In other words, more gun control does indeed equal fewer guns in the hands of citizens, but those fewer guns are all concentrated in the hands of bad folks, whereas the law-abiding good folks have no effective way of fighting back..."

Chicago comes to my mind before the UK, but otherwise how can you dispute that Solid Logic?

Video: Bush gets testy with David Gregory
President Bush's closing line in the clip: "I'd hate to see unfriendly."

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