Friday, June 22, 2007

Nancy Pelosi supports the troops

Nancy Pelosi supports the troops–the Canadian troops, that is

She's such a strong supporter of our troops that she can't tell a Canadian from an American? When will the Dems realize that she and Harry Reid are incompetents? Under their "leadership" they have caused Congress to slip further in polls than even the President they constantly complain about.

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At 7/09/2007 2:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Iraq, Scooter Libby, Alberto Gonzales, Border Security, Impeachment, Brown v. Board of Education and Michael Moore, and all you can talk about is this?!?!?

What kind of an GOP Tool are you?

So is real name Brandon? If it is, why are you so ashamed to claim your posts?

It’s not like you’re afraid people would think you’re a nut or anything, is it?

Man, it must suck to be you!

At 7/09/2007 11:01 PM, Blogger VPCheney said...

Iraq: The surge actually seems to be working, according to everyone except the Dems and the Drive-by Media, who are invested in our defeat.

Lewis Libby: 30 months jail for having an imperfect memory? Prosecuted and convicted by Fitzgerald, who knew before the trial began that journalist Richard Novak was the leaker of Plame's non secret identity, and not Mr. Libby? He wanted the Vice-President's head but settled for finding a flaw in Libby's memory. I'm surprised that anyone from the left is upset by a government lawyer mispeaking when WJC intentionally lied through his teeth to a Grand Jury and the American public?

Alberto Gonzales: Much ado about nothing. Lots of smoke, no fire. Remember how WJC fired 80 or more, right off the bat when he took office? This is one rare page that GWB should have taken from the Clinton playbook rather than waiting so long to purge the former administration's choices. Maybe GWB isn't as partisan as you'd like to have us believe.

Border security: We certainly need some. How about building the fence and enforcing labor laws by holding employers accountable?

Brown v. Board of Education: Judge Roberts has it right. The way to stop discrimination is to stop discriminating.

Michael Moore: Who cares?

GOP tool? As opposed to being a Democrat committeeman troll with the initials of MJ posting anonomously from Panera? (insert glass house analogy here...)

I don't know who Brandon is, but all of the posts I've made on this blog since April, 2005 can be attributed to me, the blogger known as VPCheney, and no, I don't worry about what "people" think about what I post. "People" like you don't register on my worry scale at all. I don't post to please you or anyone else for that matter. If you agree with some of what I say, that's well and good. If you don't, that's fine too. If you partially or completely disagree and put forth a reasonable argument, I am open minded enough to consider it.

At 7/10/2007 12:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope not MJ.

Not at Panera either.

And if being you dosen't suck, you're beyond all hope.

You, and your namesake are pitiful.

At 7/10/2007 1:16 PM, Blogger VPCheney said...

If this is what you present as a constructive or reasonable response, then you should probably "look within" to see what is missing in your life that causes you to lash out against logic or a different point of view. Over the years, I have observed that this is typical of social liberals and children. When the facts of the disscussion aren't to your liking, you just dart directly to the war cry of Libs and adolescents everywhere when they have no idea or argument to present.
"You suck." ... The Liberal cry of surrender that brings a reasonable debate to a close.

At 7/10/2007 2:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 7/10/2007 3:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't say you suck. I said it must suck being you.

Typical Republican. You hear what you want to hear, and the only response you know is an attack.

You're a loser!

At 7/11/2007 9:07 AM, Blogger VPCheney said...

I think that it is very clear who was having a discussion and who is in attack mode only.
Anon's first post set the tone with the accusation of me being a GOP tool. If being a conservative makes me a GOP tool, then what is a liberal? A tool for anti-Americanism? After tossing out a list of Liberal talking points with no detail, anon questions my sanity.
After I blast the talking points with a dose of logic rather than giving a purely emotional response, I am offered pity, but no argument or debate. The anon writer has no retort ready except for more derision and then makes the accusation that I and all Republicans are capable of doing nothing but attacking ignorance.

Sorry, anon, I have no need nor desire to attack you. Your approach makes it unneeded, and would not even be much of an intellectual exercise, as you make it clear who is actually on the attack.


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