Monday, June 13, 2005

liberal version of solid logic

If a circle is happy and a square is sad, what is a rectangle?
Answer: Disappointed.
This is a line from a radio ad from Netflix, from a series of like commercials currently running.
It's a funny line that could accurately reflect the liberal rendition of reason or maybe the liberal version of solid logic.

If liberal A states something, and liberal B responds, then what is a conservative?
Answer: Wrong

It would be funnier and unexpected if the lib would suggest an alternative, but this probably won't happen, because most humor is based on reality.

Anyone else have some examples of liberal thinking equations?



At 6/16/2005 3:27 PM, Blogger LincolnRepublican said...

If a person dies from a gunshot, AND
If the bullet came from the gun, AND
If the gun was purchased from a gun dealer, THEN

The gun dealer is responsible for the death of the person, so therefore we should not allow guns to be sold or owned so that no one else dies, dammit.

Oh wait, there are knife stores, too! And big rocks...oh great.

At 6/16/2005 3:32 PM, Blogger LincolnRepublican said...

Our children are stupid.
Stupidity comes from poor schooling.
All children learn in school.
Schools don't have enough money.
Money for schools comes from taxes.

The answer to fixing our problem with poorer test scores is to throw more money at education by raising taxes and not to revamp the education system.

NOW, that there is solid logic, if yew ask me.

At 6/16/2005 3:36 PM, Blogger LincolnRepublican said...

(Oops...I forgot.

'There's no right or wrong here, there's only opinions. We shouldn't stifle those whose ideas are different from ours. We should be tolerant and allow everyone to have their say, as long as it doesn't conflict with what we want. Thank you very much for listening, class')

This message brought to you by the NEA, where we know better than you how to raise your child.

At 6/22/2005 4:56 PM, Blogger VPCheney said...

Sounds like maybe we should start a discussion of the education system. Where should we start?

At 6/22/2005 5:04 PM, Blogger VPCheney said...

How about education about "Gun Control" for a topic?

"The ONLY gun control method that REALLY works is shooting practice."


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