Thursday, June 09, 2005

Polls... Making stuff up

In repsonse to an article by The Decatur Democrat over on blogDecatur...

Rather than base my opinion on the latest polls that may or may not even be well done, I gather news and opinion from many sources. I then attempt to make logical decisions and observations of my own. A short list of some of my sources can be found in this blog's links section. You may notice that there are some well known "Liberal" media included. I observe many different angles of a story and form my own opinion of an issue. This is the "Solid Logic" that I generally employ. Making stuff up isn't necessary, the Liberals give us more than enough of that.

I don't mind the personal attack by TDD, though, since it usually indicates a certain amount of frustration on the part of the attacker. And I can understand your frustration. When faced with the logic of truth, many liberals choose to simply look past it. Others tend to lash out against it with emotional zeal.

MaconCountyRepublican said it best in a response to a blog post by Decatur Democrat. The only polls that make any difference are elections.

Many other polls are simply news filler. The interpretation of the numbers is only a part of a poll taker's goal, and the design of the poll is just as important as the manipulation of the interpretation. The following Media Research Center article demonstrates the way that the numbers can be manipulated in the major media NEWS reports on the polls. When polls are the subject of a news story, I usually suspect that an editorial will be made, usually indirectly, usually as part of the "news story." In my opinion, using polls for news is really just lazy reporting or a way to editorialize an agenda.

ABC's Charles Gibson highlighted "the highest disapproval rating for Mr. Bush since he took office. But Bush's approval level was statistically unchanged...

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At 6/09/2005 12:42 PM, Blogger VPCheney said...

Here's a direct link to the Media Research Center story.


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