Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The Decatur Democrat, a subsidiary of the Party of No

The Decatur Democrat, formerly the local standard bearer for the Party of No, seems to signaling what the Dem leadership will do with the Supreme Court confirmation process. Obstruct. I have little doubt of this after hearing Senators Durbin and Schumer's comments right after the announcement.
In TDD's case, perhaps (s)he's suggesting a filibuster will be the tactic.
The attempt to change the public perception by removing all responses that had been posted and leaving only the diatribes and accusations is an admition that the truly liberal positions that TDD formerly supported just won't hold up under the bright lights and the scrutiny of truth and logic.

The Dems think that the reason that they aren't winning elections nationally is that they aren't getting the message out. They couldn't be more wrong. The more light that is shed on their liberal positions and posturing politics, the more the American people are rejecting them.

Let them talk.

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At 7/20/2005 7:00 PM, Blogger MCR said...

Why, TDD and the rest of the DNC is part of the "mainstream*" of America.

*mainstream is defined as left-leaning liberal minority, not an authority or legitimately elected majority

At 7/21/2005 12:24 PM, Blogger VPCheney said...

The Barbecue Rally was very well attended, but Sen. D. chose not to show up. Macon County Vice Chair, Bruce Pillsbury and several others were good sports and volunteered for dunk tank duty.

Someone said they saw you on the bounce house.
Maybe it was one of your relatives.


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