Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Entitlement Society is exposed as an utter failure

New Orleans, run by Democrats for over 60 years, should have been a utopian showcase for the liberals. Instead, it was one of the biggest concentrations of what Rush Limbaugh calls, "The Entitlement Society." The attention brought to the area by the lawlessness and looting is helping to expose the utter failure of the economic system built and maintained by liberal, and/or, corrupt Democrats. National Dems are probably VERY worried that lessons will be learned from their generations of abuse of the least fortunate, caused by the welfare state of mind that is standardized by socially liberal policies.

The TOTAL dependence on GOVERNMENT by impoverished citizens, lured by continuing promises to help them out of poverty, (be sure to vote for us!) yet consistantly being disappointed with the results is the result of typical liberal social policies, and in the meantime, generations of citizens are being raised with the expectation that "the government" will take care of everything.

New Orleans had at least three concurrent disasters. A hurricane, flooding, and a breakdown of civility. The societal breakdown was triggered by the hurricane and flood, but was caused by the "Entitlement Society," wholly constructed by the Democrats and other dishonest politicians.

The "Blame Game" is now the vehicle of choice for the left to redirect attention away from themselves.

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At 9/09/2005 12:23 PM, Blogger LincolnRepublican said...

Amen to that. And now there's news that Governor Blanco blocked the Red Cross from helping people in the Superdome, and Mayor Nagin had the opportunity to use those hundreds of school buses to evacuate people, but held out for Greyhounds instead. (While he was waiting for his Greyhounds, his school buses were drowned in the flood.)

But somehow, some way, it's all Bush's fault?

The left failed in running the state for 60 years or so, the left failed to plan for this hurricane given they wouldn't fund the upgrading of the levees (but Senator Landreau's million dollar dredging project gets passed), the left failed to adequately use the funding given it from the Army Corps of Engineers (Louisiana gets the most out of every state in the union,) and then the left fails to get people out of New Orleans in time when they had the opportunity, and the left failed to serve the needs of people in the Superdome when they had the opportunity.

But alas, it's all Bush's fault. As some have said, there should be a commission to investigate the response to the disaster. I think there should be an investigation into the corruption and failure of the democrats in Louisiana who allowed this disaster to happen in the first place. (Not the hurricane, the aftermath...)

At 9/09/2005 3:40 PM, Blogger VPCheney said...

And those screaming that "everything" is GWBs fault, in the midst of their murderous rampages, shooting at rescue workers, looting and mayhem should be an indication of the failure of the welfare state system, or at least as you'll perhaps admit, a "weakness in the system."

What you are witnessing now is the blame game reality defense. After over a week of, "It's Bush's fault! Or, "Bush hates blacks and poor people," and on and on, it's time for a reality check.

History will make sense of it all, and lessons will be learned. Liberal social policies will have to be addressed as part of a solution.

At 9/10/2005 2:21 PM, Blogger LincolnRepublican said...

The red you're seeing in Louisiana was mostly ANTI-KERRY votes in the presidential election.

The state of Louisiana has had a predominately DEMOCRATIC government for the last 60 years.

The governor.

The legislature.

New Orleans mayor.

These people are the ones who screwed up and didn't prepare adequately for which they were warned for DECADES.

Could the feds have done a better job? Sure. There's always room for improvement. But for the left to squarely place ALL the blame on Bush is preposterous.

If Hillary wants an investigation, I say go for it. Let's see what the Landrieu's and the other dems in Louisiana have/have not done in the past 60 years. And if we find out how to improve our "lib-rescuing" FEMA and other federal responses, then that's great, too.

At 9/15/2005 8:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's where your Libertarians and y'all Conservatives get to explore the divide between you. Libertarians say that the cause of this disaster was "an entitlement society". Conservatives in the Bush administration are trying to compensate for their tone-deaf response by throwing money (more no-bid contracts!) at it, many days late and too many dollars. Certainly all y'all on that side don't agree with this approach.

At 9/19/2005 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hhmm...rather than "Entitlement Society exposed as utter failure," let's try a different take on Katrina, i.e.,
"Attempts to say that government has no intrinsic role in society other than insignificant matters that can be subcontracted to private industry" exposed as total failure,
"'The CEO Administration' exposed as total failure"?


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