Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Mustapha says Pelosi and Assad "discussions very serious"

Syria's ambassador to Washington, Imad Mustapha, told United Press International.
"We can work together on many issues," said the ambassador, adding that it was time to "engage to address the issues."The ambassador, who was in Damascus during Pelosi's visit, said, "The discussions (between Pelosi and Assad) were very serious."

Speaker of the House/State? Pelosi can bring herself to have "very serious discussions" with heads of rogue states, but she refuses to sit down and speak to OUR President in the White House. The Dem candidates also fear the (evil) Fox News. The political games she and the other Democrats are engaged in are disgusting, disruptive, and does serious damage to our country.

The article above is one of the first of many "We are not the enemy" stories coming from Syria, now further mainstreamed by the official Pelosi visit. The Drive-by media will eat it up and regurgitate it back to us with sappy human interest stories because it fits the story line. The story line is "despise anything that can be associated with GWB and shape all stories to that message."
Typical Main Stream Media B.S.
Syria is a state sponsor of terror. Negotiating with terrorists or their state sponsors is idiotic at best, and borders on treasonous "bad behavior."

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