Thursday, April 12, 2007


Coming this spring to Illinois!

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At 4/20/2007 10:51 PM, Blogger MCR said...

The question is, will Rod's BS ad campaigns get this GRT idea in the state legislature and get it passed?

I would hope the majority of downstate democrats would realize this is an idiotic idea designed soley to have the citizens and businesses in Illinois pay for Rod's incompetence.

What's Mr. Jackson's take on all this? Not one comment yet.

At 4/21/2007 9:39 AM, Blogger VPCheney said...

I'm concerned that state tax dollars are being used in new ads that try to defend the proposed tax increase in a tit for tat response to other advertising against it. Is the Gov re-employing his political campaign staff to promote this Gross Tax?

The business community and almost any of the citizens who have put any thought at all into this plan know that it is seemingly well intentioned but ill-conceived and will damage the business climate in Illinois, not to mention the public that will ultimately pay the tax.

Mr. Jackson is likely to strongly support this effort by Blagojevich because liberalism is best served by more tax dollars to spend on votes. This gross tax will fund those efforts well.


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