Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Durbin - gun owners are "the criminal people"

Gun buyers are "criminal people"?
During debate in the Senate on S.397, the Gun Liability Bill, Senator Durbin made what could possibly be argued as a slip of the tongue this morning in the Senate when he complained about information gathered for gun buyer background checks. I'm sure he will claim that what he meant to say was, "gun owners or buyers"

Senator Dick Durbin, (D) IL, Asst. Minority Leader said, "...Information gathered about criminal people is to be destroyed so quickly that it is of little value to law enforcement."Are we to believe that the good Senator believes that gun owners are all "criminal people"?
With his comments about background checks, I believe that he holds all gun owners, gun manufacturers, gun dealers, and all of the people employed in the industry responsible for all crime that is committed with a gun.

It is the criminals that are responsible for the crimes they commit, not the company that made the gun or the ammo, Mr. Durbin. Looking at it any other way is avoiding the reality. Anti-gunners and Liberals seem to always want to displace and spread around blame for anything. Blame the criminal for his own misdeeds, get him off the streets, and the crime rate will fall. Blame the gun manufacturers and the gun industry will fall. The same companies that supply our military are in danger of falling prey to the legal sharks and the junk lawsuits.

I have yet to see a suit against match companies for an arson. General Motors or Chrysler has probably not been sued for manufacturing a car that was used in a crime, nor one of their dealers for selling it, but yet the liberal anti-gun lobby wants to advance their agenda by driving the gun industry into bankruptcy if necessary.

It seems to me to be unreasonable to sue a manufacturer of a legal product, that performs as designed, for a crime committed by a third party using the product. This bill, S.397, prevents this misuse of the judicial system.

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Senator "Double Standard" Schumer

Double standard is standard procedure for Charlie Schumer, (D) NY.

One of Sen. Schumer's beefs with the Roberts nomination is the "false deadline" for completing the process. Isn't he one of the libs screaming for a timeline for withdrawal of forces from Iraq? His arguments that a deadline is unreasonable or unknowable seem to reek of hypocrisy.

Also, when he "...hopes and prays they will change..." speaking about the White House refusal of his demands for documentation he isn't entitled to, do you think that he is really telling the truth? I don't picture this slick political cartoon character praying for anything except self promotion. Yet, would he not take a comment stated exactly the same way from President Bush, turn it around and then accuse GWB of wrongly mixing religion into matters of state?
Quotes by Schumer are from National Press Club meeting on 7/27/05

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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The Decatur Democrat, a subsidiary of the Party of No

The Decatur Democrat, formerly the local standard bearer for the Party of No, seems to signaling what the Dem leadership will do with the Supreme Court confirmation process. Obstruct. I have little doubt of this after hearing Senators Durbin and Schumer's comments right after the announcement.
In TDD's case, perhaps (s)he's suggesting a filibuster will be the tactic.
The attempt to change the public perception by removing all responses that had been posted and leaving only the diatribes and accusations is an admition that the truly liberal positions that TDD formerly supported just won't hold up under the bright lights and the scrutiny of truth and logic.

The Dems think that the reason that they aren't winning elections nationally is that they aren't getting the message out. They couldn't be more wrong. The more light that is shed on their liberal positions and posturing politics, the more the American people are rejecting them.

Let them talk.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Republican Barbecue and Rally this Saturday

The Republican Central Committees of Macon, Moultrie and Shelby counties and Representative Raymond Poe are sponsoring a Barbecue and Rally this Saturday, July 16, from 5-9pm.
Candidates for local, state and federal offices will be attending and will be available to meet with supporters.
Food, beverages, entertainment by "Rock of Ages," and children's activities including horse drawn wagon rides, face painting, a clown, bounce house, dunk tank and games.
It will be held at Mt. Zion Lions Club Park. (County Rt. 32 at the SW end of Mt. Zion)
There will also be a professional fireworks display beginning at dusk.

Tickets are available for $10. by calling (Jim at 855-3136), (Susanna at423-0134), or (Bruce at 423-9772) Children under 12, tickets are $5.
Macon County GOP website

Barbecue, cold beer, politics, music and fireworks... Great way to spend a warm July evening...
Come on out, support the party and have a good time with the family.
See you there!

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Thursday, July 07, 2005

Terrorists WILL fail to defeat freedom

London Mayor Ken Livingston, in comments directed to murderous terrorists intent on destroying Liberty and Freedom, describes how free people cannot, and will not concede to terrorists.

"...Whatever you do, how ever many you kill, you will fail."
