Friday, March 30, 2007

Pelosi and Ellison to visit Syria

Leading a group of lawmakers on a 9 day Mideast tour is Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi.

The White House criticised the group's planned stop in Syria, a country the US government accuses of sponsoring terrorism.
'That's a really bad idea,' White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said.

Also in the group is Keith Ellison, Muslim congressman and Nation of Islam supporter from Minnesotastan.

They plan to visit Syria, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia during the tour, Ellison's office said. Details were being kept secret for security reasons, it said.

Security reasons? Are they afraid that the military defunding they just attempted to impose will make them more vulnerable in the mideast? Seems to be a stand-off between the Dems who loaded an emergency funding bill for the military with pork and an arbitrary deadline for withdrawal, and GWB, who says he will veto it.
So Pelosi and friends decide to face down GWB all the way from Syria, a state sponsor of terrorism? How appropriate. Maybe they would like to volunteer to go to Iran where they would be hailed as western heroes. Maybe even stay for a while, visit and have tea with the British Navy prisoners who are now in Day 8 of the newest Iranian hostage crisis?

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The Dem Pork machine abandons our troops

President Bush warns Dems to stop making political statements with the emergency military spending bill and to support the troops.
"...too much pork, too many conditions, and an arbitrary timetable for withdrawal."

"If congress fails to support our troops on the front lines, the American people will know who to hold accountable."
GWB 3/28/07

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Friday, March 23, 2007

Obama and Anti-Hillary Ad creator - More ties

Anti-Clinton Ad Maker Lived With Obama Senate Staffer
Senator Denied Campaign Connection but Mock Ad Maker Lived Wth Press Secretary
March 23, 2007— The press secretary for Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., recently lived with the creator of the scathingly satirical YouTube video ad that attacked Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., a revelation that seems to undermine the senator's claim that he and his campaign had only "very attenuated" ties with the ad's creator.
more from ABC News...

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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Vote Different - Obama Ad

This makeover of the old Apple computer "1984" commercial shows that B. Hussein Obama has some creative people working on behalf of his cause, whether he claims to know about it or not. This pot shot at Hillary should get her venom boiling.

The "name" of the user who originally uploaded the video is also interesting. "ParkRidge47"

Hillary was raised in the Chicago suburb of Park Ridge and born in 1947.

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Sunday, March 11, 2007

Newt is clearing the road for conservatism to prevail

In a recent interview with James Dobson, of Focus on the Family, Newt spoke about his infidelity during his first marriage. In my opinion, this is a fairly clear sign that Newt IS going to run for the presidency. By getting in front of this now and taking ownership of the issue early, he disarms this as a potential issue for his opponents when he does officially enter. If they do bring it up later, he has already done the damage control and will reverse the tactic, and subject the other candidate to the silliness of discussing old gossip instead of solutions to problems that we can solve.

He didn't really have any obvious reasons for discussing this old news other than his methodical clearing of the road to the White House.

for some good reading about serious approaches to illegal immigration:
Securing our Borders and Preserving American Civilization
Challenge Number Three
Gingrich Communications
Newt Gingrich

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Friday, March 09, 2007

Ares I–1 Flight Test set for 2009

The Constellation project is starting to roll along, but NASA will face delays if Congress doesn't follow through with funding. I'll have more information about this issue later.
Ares I–1 Flight Test
"Scheduled for 2009, Ares I–1 is planned to be the first test flight of the Ares I vehicle. The test flight objectives are focused on first-stage flight dynamics, controllability, and separation of the first and upper stages. The Ares I–1 flight will consist of a functional booster stage and an upper stage mass simulator, which has the same mass as the actual upper stage. By flying the vehicle through the first stage, the test flight will also verify the performance and dynamics of the shuttle’s solid rocket booster in “single stick” arrangement. (The usual shuttle configuration is two rocket boosters with one external fuel tank.)..."

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Thursday, March 08, 2007

Coulter courts controversy - Liberals cry

These quotes are from:
Fox News 'Hannity & Colmes" (3/5/07)
COLMES, whining: But you used a word that's very offensive to gays. Would you use a word offensive to another group of people and say, "Oh, it was only a joke"? Where do you draw the line?
COULTER: It isn't offensive to gays. It has nothing to do with gays. It's a schoolyard taunt, meaning wuss. And unless you're telling me that John Edwards is gay, it was not applied to a gay person.

Also that day, it was reported on CNN "Paula Zahn Now" (3/5/07)
"Ann also sent an email to the New York Times (saying) C'mon, it was a joke. I would never insult gays by suggesting that they are like John Edwards. That would be mean."

Shooting Elephants in a Barrel
by Ann Coulter 03/07/2007
"... As a result, Libby is now a convicted felon for having a faulty memory
of the person who first told him that Joe Wilson was a delusional boob who
lied about his wife sending him to Niger.
This makes it official: It's illegal to be Republican..."

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Monday, March 05, 2007

Plea to WSOY and Archway Broadcasting

There has been a series of commercials running on these stations and also in several other radio markets in the US. You have likely heard them if you listen to radio more than 10 minutes a week. The (you are here)helpwanted dot com commericals. The particular ones I am referring to are customized to the Central Illinois sales area. These spots have been in an unusually high rotation rate for far too long, in the opinion of this long time listener.

"Humor ads?" like these produce a smile the first time they are heard, maybe. WSOY, the Decatur AM station, and many others have pummelled their listeners with this same series of bad comedy tripe, over and over for nearly two years, at least. The same two or three commercials with a "humorous" idiot who is supposed to be the boss, and an all-knowing, cheerfully robotic repeater of the web address who is, apparently, the only intellegent person in the fictional business which is, no surprise, needing to hire some helpers. There is one line in which she blandly states, "Well, that's just stupid," that accurately describes the whole commercial series. Too bad someone didn't tell this to the writers early on in the process.

OK, I will admit that this has almost become an obsession with me. I now turn the station when these same old two or three spots come on, sometimes I just turn off the radio altogether.

I don't completely fault the cheesy advertiser for wanting to squeeze more saturation from their advertising dollars, although I wish they would just hire someone to write some NEW (less obnoxious, I would hope) ad copy and produce some new spots. I'm also aware that as an advertising medium, your station, and the others of your group are sales oriented, and love to sell advertising, but you should please consider the sensibilities of your market. I would hope you would adopt a standard for spot repetition that would fall far below what has been the norm in the past, certainly with this series, which has been mercilessly hammered into your listeners. These particular dot com commercials have long outlived any snarky cuteness, and have become a dark cloud over "free" radio. My suggestion, my plea to you, is to either sell shorter contracts, or just say no to the really stupid commercials.

Does anyone out there hate these commercials too? Are there others that cause you to despise the sponsor and just want to turn off the radio or TV?
Back in the 70's or 80's, a local car dealer, Perry Thomas, said something on the order of, "..that it doesn't matter how bad the commercial is, as long as the customer remembers it..." There is a point it seems, beyond that, in which the emotional response becomes negative to the advertiser and medium. Not a good place to be in advertising, unless you are running political attack ads.

The following is contact information for WSOY, Archway Broadcasting Group, and the sponsor noted.

Archway Broadcasting Group
1513 East Cleveland Avenue
Building 100B, Suite 250
East Point, GA 30344
Phone: (404) 762-9942

ABG Illinois
1100 East Pershing Road
Decatur, IL 62526
Phone: 217-877-5371, Inc.
One Civic Center Plaza, Suite 506
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

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Friday, March 02, 2007

Nuclear Renaissance

Canada sees possible nuclear renaissance
OTTAWA (Reuters) - "Concern over global warming has breathed new life into Canada's nuclear industry, which is eyeing the possibility of its first new plants in the country in a quarter century, industry officials said on Thursday."The climate change driver is so compelling a case that the nuclear file becomes a critical part of the solution," Duncan Hawthorne, chairman of the Canadian Nuclear Association and chief executive of Bruce Power, told Reuters...
...its attraction in terms of the climate change debate is that it emits none of the greenhouse gases that are blamed for global warming."

A justification to ramp up the expansion of the nuclear industry is probably the best thing that the "Global Warming evangelicals" have generated. The Canadians are doing the right thing by assuring that their power needs can be met even though the "attraction" of the "greenhouse gas" reasoning they espouse is politically correct BS.

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Thursday, March 01, 2007

B. Hussein Obama: Your Guns AND Your Vote!

He wants law abiding citizens to be unarmed.
Find out what the fawning press won't mention about Barack Obama on Gun Control.

My advice to BHO would be to read this article from the CATO institute, "Trust the People: The Case Against Gun Control "
and reconsider his positions on second amendment issues..
He can play in Illinois politics and get away with these positions. In the national election? This stance is much less likely to be successful.

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Hollywood Sheep

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