Culture of Treason

"...a whistleblower is somebody who leaks stuff that damages the Bush administration. A leaker is somebody who tells the truth about Bill Clinton."

Labels: Rush Limbaugh
Libertarianism is at the core of conservative politics.
Labels: Rush Limbaugh
How Gas Prices Work
Labels: Condoleezza Rice, Democrat
Labels: Illegal Immigration
Labels: Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton
Labels: Chicago, Democrat, Jesse Jackson
Busy day, more later...
Labels: Chicago, Illegal Immigration
Labels: Donald Rumsfeld, media, NYT
Labels: Betsy Stockard, Decatur
Calling ILLEGAL immigrants "undocumented" is a big part of the left wing blurring of the facts. Tell it like it is, without beating around the bush and trying to be politically correct. They have broken our laws to enter this country. They are ILLEGALLY in the country. Calling them "undocumented" is as deceptive as calling murdering terrorists "insurgents." Another example of this is calling people that blow themselves up in public places, "suicide bombers." They are not. They are "HOMICIDE BOMBERS." Calling them "suicide" bombers is a distortion that implies that the murderers are simply offing themselves.
Labels: B. Hussein Obama, Dick Durbin, Illegal Immigration, jihad, liberal, media
Stop hiring them and they will not come... Enforce the laws on the books, and they will not stay.
Labels: Illegal Immigration
This music video by the Right Brothers should irritate the Libs.
Labels: George Bush